Case Study: Information Architecture
While this IA project was for a master's class in user-centered design at Brandeis University, I used the project to flesh out my own concept for a website/app that could be used by people on medically restricted diets to learn more about food substitutions and how to cook great recipes with the substitutions. This project's research alone involved a lot of research with physicians, nutritionists, and dieticians. I also surveyed patients in my user testing. The initial IA is built for a limited amount for dietary restrictions, and ethics are strongly considered - patients are strongly advised to work with their own doctors prior to using any recipes. My ideation process stemmed from the fact that I have a medically restricted diet, and am a member of several very large online groups of similar people. In my years in these groups, the most common concerns focused on one question: "What am I going to eat now?" I started by highlighting the goals of "No Whey!" (NW). The overall goal was to provide a fun and easy user experience while educating patients on how to continue to enjoy food despite having dietary restrictions. The site will also serve as a resource hub, with recipes, shop finders, advice from dieticians, and chat features to create a community. I developed my timeline (July 2021-September 2022). The first phase included research, initial user testing, the development of information architecture, and content strategy. The second included structuring information environments, organization schemes, hierarchies, navigation and search, structured databases, metadata, thesauri, and faceted classification systems. The final phase included the UX design process - final research and strategy, user testing, prototyping, design and documentation, and usability testing to have a final design to hand off for back- and front-end development and implementation.